Covid-19 and New Life Prenatal
In home, PRIVATE Prenatal Classes are available to expectant parents who are symptom free.
In-Person, Small Group Prenatal Classes are available to all expectant parents who have no cold/flu/covid symptoms. Anyone with symptoms will be asked to leave. Thank you for your co-operation and understanding.
As professionals we commit to:
Practice social distancing outside of visiting your home for a class
Wash hands thoroughly at our home before we come to you, and again on arrival at your home, and frequently throughout each day
Avoid touching our eyes, nose and mouth
Use sanitizing cleaning products to wipe down equipment used for demonstration/practice during class, before we arrive, and again after use
Check ourselves daily for fever, and before we come to you
Cancel (and reschedule or switch to a live virtual class) if we or anyone in our home, or anyone whom we’ve been in contact with, shows symptoms
Wear a mask while we are in your home if a two meter distance cannot be maintained and, if you prefer, wear a mask the entire time
Sanitize or wash hands upon arrival and again before any "hands on" demonstrations
Provide physical distancing even during the class
We will also rely on you to let us know if anyone in your family has had any exposure to anyone with the virus, has traveled within the past 14 days, or has any signs of illness.